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Prof. Eleonra Grilli at Faculty of Earth Sciences and Spatial Management

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We are happy to announce that prof. Eleonora Grilli has joined to our community. Since the academic year 2020/2021, prof. Grilli conducts on-line classes entitled: Traditional and modern techniques of soil management and reclamation in the field of Spatial and Geo-management at Faculty of Earth Sciences and Spatial Management.


Prof. Eleonra Grilli is associated with University Of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”. She is graduated with honors in Nature Sciences and defended her PhD thesis in 2010. Her main interest are: modeling pedogenic processes, planning, setting-up and characterization of pedotechnosoils for environmental restoration and to recover soil functionality, PTE distribution in soils and soils under desertification risk.
Prof. Grilli is an author of many scientific researches, posters and speeches at many scientific conferences.

Cordially welcomes you in our community!

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